Term Life Insurance Quotes In Canada

Term Life Insurance Quotes In Canada

What is term life insurance?


Term Life Insurance offers the most affordable and simple form of insurance. This type of insurance pays a benefit to your beneficiaries if you die within a certain period, typically 10, 20, or 30, years.

You have the option to renew the policy for a new term, change to permanent coverage, or terminate the policy after the expiration of the current term.


How do I get a quote for term life insurance?


To purchase life insurance, the first step is to obtain quotes for a policy.

There are three ways to obtain life insurance quotes in Canada:


  1. Directly from the insurance company’s site

You can visit the website for a specific insurance company such as TIP Services, and request a quote online. It’s similar to going to Air Canada’s website to find the price for a flight from Toronto to Paris.


  1. Through an independent local insurance agent

Another option is to request quotes from an independent local insurance agent. It’s like visiting your local travel agency and having an agent help find the best options for a Toronto to Paris flight.

Working with an independent agent in your area will allow you to compare quotes from many insurance companies. You can compare quotes and find the best deals. Even if you communicate via the internet, you can speak to an actual agent to answer any questions or provide advice.


  1. An independent online broker

The third option is to obtain quotes from an independent online broker like TIP Services. It’s similar to using Expedia or Travelocity online travel websites to search for options for a Toronto-Paris flight.

You can compare multiple life insurance quotes online by using an independent broker. It’s quick and easy to get multiple quotes online.


How do you get your final quote?


Your age, gender, and smoking history will be used to determine your initial term life insurance quote. To get a final quote from your insurer, you will need to provide additional information.


They will need to know your medical history to determine how risky it would be for them to provide you with insurance. Many insurers conduct this quickly by asking applicants to complete an at-home medical exam. A nurse will visit your home to take vital information (such as your weight, height, and blood pressure) along with withdrawing blood. A urine sample might also be requested by some. Your insurer may also request that you have a 20-minute telephone conversation with a healthcare professional. During the call, you will be asked about your family and personal medical history.


Your financial and lifestyle information will be collected by your insurer. They need to know whether you regularly engage in risky leisure activities such as scuba diving or rock climbing. They don’t want to be enthralled by your life. Risky hobbies can increase your chances of dying young. Insurance companies will be interested in any information that might increase the likelihood that they will have to pay your death benefit.


After your insurer has received all of the information they require, they will use that information to decide if they can approve your application and give you a final quote. The final quote is the monthly premiums that you will pay for your term policy. It can be lower, higher, or the same as the initial quote.


What is the cost of term life insurance in Canada?


Here’s the big question: How much do you have to pay for Canadian term life insurance?


The exact amount you pay for term insurance depends on your characteristics, coverage amount, policy duration, and insurer.


Term life insurance is, in all cases, the most affordable type of insurance available. This is because you only need to have term insurance for a set period. It’s also the most affordable way for your family to protect their finances when they’re young. You may have student debt, mortgage debt, or other financial obligations that can drain your bank account every month.


How affordable is Canadian term life insurance? 

Life insurance can be as affordable as $20 per month for a non-smoker who is in their 20s or 30s and has no pre-existing conditions. Not bad right?


Remember that obtaining a quote or completing a medical exam does not make you legally obligated to purchase a policy. You are not required to sign a contract until your application has been approved and the policy has been accepted. You don’t have to commit unless you get quotes for term life insurance policies.

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What To Expect From Term Life Insurance In 2021

What To Expect From Term Life Insurance In 2021

With so many changes happening with life insurance what can you expect to see from term life insurance quotes in 2021? Here’s what you need to know.

life insurance in 2021 by tip services in richmond hill ontario

First, you’ll see more companies come out with online applications. Before COVID-19 there were only a handful of companies that offer ended an online application process. Now, the majority of companies have some online application process. This has become essential for insurance companies.

Next, you’ll see higher coverage amounts for nonface-to-face applications. Most companies will allow you to apply for coverage up to $300,000 coverage with nonface to face applications. With companies like Manulife now having up to $1,000,000 of coverage on their nonface-to-face applications you’ll see more companies follow suit, as it gives Manu a large advantage.

Rates also will stay flat if not come down. Insurance companies are still in business to insure new clients. Increasing rates would make it harder for companies to earn business with all the new changes, so you can expect rates to stay the same if not come down in 2021.

Power shifts. It’s not enough to say the big companies will remain at the top. Simply put, not all online processes are created equal. Some companies’ online processes are very complicated and extremely difficult to use. The ease-of-use will play into which companies have the most success in 2021. Advisors will likely gravitate to the companies that are easy to use, and not the ones that offer more complications. This will play out over 2021.

As a whole, this is great news for anyone looking to purchase term life insurance in 2021. However, it is always worthwhile to find a proper advisor who can help you navigate the new 2021 landscape.

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Canada Life Insurance Review

Canada Life Insurance Review

Canada Life is one of the largest Life Insurance companies in Canada, because of this, many people want to know if Canada Life is a good company. Let’s take a look at where they are good and what to look out for when considering Canada Life.

a review of canada life insurance by tip services in richmond hill ontario

Canada Life has a large suite of products and offers. Some of those products include:

  • Group Benefits
  • Life Insurance 
  • Disability insurance 
  • Critical Illness insurance 
  • Segregated funds 
  • Annuities 

(that make Canada Life worthwhile):

  • Because they have so many assets, they are safe but regardless of what happens in the market 
  • 4 different term lengths 
  • Multiple rider options 
  • Can convert Term Life Insurance into a permanent product at any time 


  • No final expense insurance 
  • Minimum coverage is $100,000 for term life insurance 
  • Canada Life term options tend to be more expensive than other options 

So, why is Canada Life recommend so often? Well listen up, we are about to share with you some industry knowledge that many clients don’t know.

Canada Life, Great-West Life, and London Life all in all the same company, held under different names.

a review of canada life insurance by tip services in richmond hill ontario

This is one reason all 3 companies seem so larges, in essence, they are all the company. Now when you look at companies life investors group, they may look like a place where you can purchase multiple companies, however many of the higher up have said the majority of their business goes to Canada Life.

The average insurance advisors in Canada is 57. Many of these advisors started with Canada Life and continued to recommend Canada Life. This isn’t always a bad thing, however, it might not always end up being the best recommendation.

All in all, is Canada Life a good insurance company?

The short answer is, yes. They are a strong company with good products that have a variety of options. What you need to look out for are the advisors that will recommend Canada Life to every one of their clients, regardless of your situation. In some cases, Canada Life might be the best recommendation for you. In other cases, there may be a better alternative. As always, contact a broker that is unbiased toward anyone one company.

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Dave Ramseys: Always buy Term Life Insurance

Dave Ramseys: Always buy Term Life Insurance

If you ever watch Dave Ramsey, you know he says always buy term insurance, never buy permanent insurance.


Is that the truth? Should Term insurance be the only option to consider?

The short answer to that question is, no. Any time you suggest there is only one option, you neglect the most important thing, the client and their needs. Term insurance does fit into Dave’s overall financial recommendations, but for many people, there may be better options given their own personal situation. Let’s look at some reason now.

First, most families SHOULD consider Term Life Insurance over permanent solutions. Term insurance will be the most affordable option for many families. And if someone cares about you and depends on your income, then life insurance isn’t only an option, it’s a necessity. If you die prematurely without proper coverage, your spouse and children may be left without the required assets to pay for their expense (mortgage, debts, groceries phone bills, etc.)


But what kind of insurance should you purchase?

Well like I have mentioned Dave’s overall plan makes sense. One key staple to Dave’s plan is to live in your means, spend less than you make, and invest in some sort of ETF or Mutual fund. This is a crucial component of his plan. You need to be paying down your debt (your mortgage) while still having assets available to you. If you can continue to pay down your mortgage, while increasing your investments, the need for life insurance in later years is minimal. So for Dave to recommend only term insurance, it makes sense. But it’s not the reality for many Canadians.

We know people have a hard time saving, yes buying affordable life insurance is better than not. However, for a person who is not building assets at a sufficient rate, Dave’s recommendations become very harmful. If you do not have savings or assets (and are not building them) and only buy term, then you are setting yourself up to leave a financial burden to the people you care most about.

This is one situation where a permanent solution makes more sense. If that permanent solution also has a ‘forced savings account’ as part of the policy it will actually help those clients do the overall same plan, which is to build assets and protect your loved ones along the way.

Where Dave’s recommendation really goes off the rails is when it comes to corporate life insurance solutions. In Canada, we have some massive tax advantages for a corporation to own life insurance. Especially tax advantages related to permanent life insurance. By saying you should NEVER look at permanent insurance.


So what are our final thoughts?

Be very cautious about anyone who says you should ALWAYS or NEVER purchase x. More important understand that your overall financial picture is what matters. When you look for an individual product or investment, you make cost yourself more than you realize.

Life insurance is important and needed by many Canadians. Make sure you make the right decisions.

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Term Life Insurance – What You Need To Know

Term Life Insurance - What You Need To Know

Term life insurance is the most common type of Life Insurance. But there are a few things you need to know before getting a quote for term life insurance.

What is Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance covers your loved ones for a specific amount of time, typically 10, 20 or 30 years. When your term is up you typically have 3 options
  1. Let It Renew – Meaning, your coverage still stay in effect but you will pay a higher rate based on your new age.
  2. Let Your Coverage Expire
  3. Convert To Permanent Coverage – Something such as whole life or universal.

Which is the right coverage for you?

Well, as we have talked about in previous articles, there is a number of considerations. Let’s look at a few now:
  • Your Family Situation – If you have young children how much would it cost to raise them.
  • Your Debts – How much would you need to pay for your (or your spouses) debts.
  • Your Income – If you aren’t here, neither is your income. How much income would you need to replace.
These are the most common things couple cover when looking for term life insurance. But we have good news. Getting a quote has never been easier. Simply click here and search all the Canadian insurance companies to find the best plan for you. And the best part is this service is completely FREE.

We don’t ask for any email address, phone number or personal information. 

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Case Study: How Term Life Insurance Saves Michael & Lisa Over $170 /month

How Term Life Insurance Saves Michael & Lisa Over $170 /month

So often articles get written about the technical side of life insurance, how the different products work, which policy is best, but very few offer insight on the situations that come up that can help you save more money every month by making smart decisions. Let’s take a look at Michael and Lisa.

Michael is 43 and Lisa is 41. Together they have recently bought a new home in Richmond hill, Ontario. This beautiful house has a bigger back yard which is great for their 3 children to go outside and play. 

Michael works as an outside consultant for small to medium size businesses. Mainly working with Chiropractors where he helps them go from being a practitioner, someone always doing the work themselves to being a business owner or someone who’s the staff that can help alleviate some of the days to day actions that a practitioner needs to do. Lisa is an associate at a law firm that specializes in personal injury. Both live very busy lives and don’t always find time to make proper financial decisions. 

After COVID-19 hit, Michael’s business saw a drastic decrease in clients because many chiropractors had a hard time finding ways to generate income while Ontario made some strict guidelines preventing human contact. While at the same time, Lisa’s working hours increase. 

Michael had a phone call with his old associate and long time friend. Michael had mentioned how he needed to pivot his business as his income was drastically cut down and they had all these expenses including their new mortgage. Michaels mentioned he knew they needed life insurance, as neither he nor Lisa would be able to afford the mortgage and pay for their children on only one income.  That is when his friend told him to speak with a life insurance broker and look for more affordable coverage, that could help them save on their monthly expenses. 

Michael, like many Canadians, took the coverage that his bank had offered him. It was a quick and relatively easy decision at the time. Michal and Lisa answered a few health questions and were approved for coverage. Not realizing that the almost $330/month coverage was more expensive than they needed to pay. Michael took his friend’s advice and spoke with a mortgage broker. That broker was able to search all the insurance companies in Canada and found out that there was a company that could give them better coverage for only $160/month. This would help keep an extra $170/month in their pocket. 

The sad truth is, this is the norm for many Canadians who have accepted their coverage through their lender. The life insurance purchased through your lenders is on average 42% more expensive than the best coverage out there. Not to mention that there are additional benefits to other coverage than the mortgage life insurance you purchase through your lender.  

To find the rates of the best companies and to see how much you could save, CLICK HERE for an instant quote. Shop all the top Canadian insurance companies with just a few clicks. No need to enter any personal information, email, or phone number to see your quotes. 


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Term Life Insurance Review – RBC Insurance

Term Life Insurance Review - RBC Insurance

Today we are going to review RBC Term Life Insurance products to see how it stacks up against other Life Insurance companies. As always, products do change and it is best to review with your advisor before purchasing as by the time you read this RBC may have changed their product. Nonetheless, let’s get into it.
Starting with what is unique about RBC. RBC is one of the only companies where you can choose the term length you need. Where most companies offer Term 10 and term 20 products, RBC gives you the choice to choose am exact term such as Term 13 or Term 27.

Whatever length of time you need given the reasons you are looking for life insurance. Why is this a benefit, well if you know you are on track to pay off your mortgage and other debts in 12 years, with RBC you can choose a 12-year Term product. But is this a benefit? The answer, not always.

You see, just because you can choose the length of the term, doesn’t make RBC instantly the most affordable option. In fact, sometimes you can get coverage for a longer period of time at a lower cost. When purchasing coverage there are always a few variables you want to consider.


  1. Your date of birth  
  2. The amount of coverage  
  3. Your health 
  4. If you are a smoker or non-smoker 
  5. The length of time you need the coverage for


RBC is very competitively priced, just not in all categories. Depending on the considerations listed above there may be more affordable options out there. This is why it is always a good idea to get a few quotes from different companies to find what is going to be the best plan for you.

If you want a FREE quote without having to speak to a sales rep, enter an email or give up any personal information CLICK HERE. We’ll take you to a page where you can enter your information and shop the entire market with no restrictions.

Pros about RBC Term insurance 

  • RBC is a name brand that many people trust
  • As mentioned, they are competitively priced in many areas
  • Very flexible in term length and coverage amounts (ranging from $5,000 -$23,000,000 in coverage)
  • They have a permanent form of life insurance that you can convert your term policy into

Cons about RBC Term insurance 

  • No digital policy option. Meaning your policy will be sent in the mail
  • No Whole life coverage conversion option
  • If you are a smoker, there might be a more affordable company out there for you

In short, RBC has its place in the market place. They are so compatibly priced that for many young adults in Canada who are looking or affordable coverage options RBC could be a good fit.

As always it is best to speak to a broker, someone who can help you shop for the best plan for your given situation. That way you can rest knowing you have the best coverage for your loved ones.

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Term Life Insurance – Reviewing Term 30 With Ivari

As brokers, we have access to every company in Canada which gives us an advantage to some of our competitors. However, one of the number one questions our clients ask us is: “Why would you recommend one company over another?”

Simply put, we want to find you the best policy at the best price for your given situation. It is our job to know what different companies offer and be able to recommend the best one for you.

Let’s break down one option so you can see why working with a broker who knows the market is crucial to finding you the best product.

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What you need to know before purchasing Term Life Insurance

What you need to know before purchasing Term Life Insurance

Term Life insurance is an easy and affordable option for owning Life Insurance. Term offers a level coverage amount at a set cost for a specific time. 
For Example: 
Sally can get $500,000 of life insurance for 20 years at $42.23 a month. So she knows her family is protected and her rates won’t go up. 

Types of Term Life Insurance 

Term insurance typically comes in:

  • Term 10 
  • Term 20 
  • Term 30 
  • Level to 75 (or 65)  
  • Term 100. 
Term insurance is the most affordable coverage options. 
For example: 
If Raj owns a Term 30 policy he knows the amount of coverage and his cost to own the coverage will not change for 30 years. At the end of 30 years, his rates will renew based on his new age. Thus making his coverage more costly.
If you are a couple in your 30’s looking for affordable life insurance Term 30 could be the perfect fit to protect your family.

Who Has The Best Term Coverage 

When buying term insurance there are always a few factors that come in to play to which company has the best term insurance. 
  1. Your age
  2. The Coverage amount
  3. The length of coverage
  4. Health 
  5. If you want a policy that can be converted into a Permanent Insurance coverage  

In short, no one carrier is the best. It becomes dependent on your own situation. But CLICK HERE for you free quote today!

Whole Life vs Term Life Insurance

Whole Life vs Term Life Insurance

So often I get asked Whole Life vs Term Insurance, which is best? The answer is BOTH. But, you need to learn which is right, in which situation. Let’s break this down for you in an easy to understand way.

The best way to look at whole life insurance or term insurance is this;

“Think of term insurance is like renting an apartment, when whole life insurance is like owning a house”

Term Insurance

Term insurance (like renting) is the most affordable option. And it’s great for people who know they do not want coverage forever. The benefits of term insurance are

1. Cost – Most affordable option of life insurance

2. Coverage – How much protection your loved ones receive if you were to pass away.

3. Term -typically range from 10, 20, 30 years. This means your cost to own and the coverage about will not change for the length of the term.

At some point, if you stop paying and have not filed a claim, you walk away from your policy with nothing to show. Kinda like renting an apartment. All your rent cheques were paid, but you don’t have anything to show for it.

For more information on Term, you can read our article by CLICKING HERE. Or check out our buyers guide HERE.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is more like owning a house then renting an apartment. This is a little more expensive but will give you these benefits:

1. Level cost – Cost to own this coverage will stay level forever. Never increase, some plans will allow you to pay for 10-20 years after which you can stop paying and own the policy. This is similar to your mortgage, eventually, you pay off your mortgage and you own it.

2. Level or increasing benefits. Like your property increases in value, so does some life insurance plans. With whole life insurance specifically, your plan will increase at a GUARANTEED rate, without ever decreasing.

3. Cash value – yes these policies can make you some money that you can access while you are alive. This is called a cash surrender value. The cash surrender value increases year over year at a minimum rate. This can be used by you for any reason.

For more information on Whole life insurance CLICK HERE to reach more.

So this often leads to which one for you?

Well, if you are looking to cover something temporarily. Like a mortgage, you hope to pay off one day, a business loan or just coverage until your children are grown and out of the house, term insurance might be your best bet.

If you prefer to have something regardless when you pass away whole life might be a better fit. It’s always best to meet with an advisor and figure out which is best for you.

Our last pro tip is that you can mix and match. Some people will purchase a base of whole life and layer term on top.