Is Mortgage Life Insurance right for you?

Is Mortgage Life Insurance right for you?

For most Canadians, purchasing a home can seem quite overwhelming, with so much information (e.g., your mortgage, land transfer tax, lawyer fees, etc) that often your Mortgage Life Insurance becomes a second thought. Many Canadians end up purchasing life insurance through their lender without really understanding what they have purchased.

Although the mortgage insurance offered through your bank/financial lender is not a bad plan, it does come with a few drawbacks:

  • Plan Structure – Normally are not competitive with what’s available.
  • Mortgage insurance is non-transferable
  • Who’s really covered? – Are you protecting the bank or the people you care about?
  • Cost – For the majority of the time, you’ll save money when you shop around.

An alternative to a lender’s mortgage insurance plan can be obtained directly from an insurance broker. This enables you to have a superior plan at a lower cost.

Let’s take a deeper look at these three points

Plan Structure


There are a number of disadvantages when it comes to purchasing life insurance through your lender. One major disadvantage is the plan structure. When you purchase life insurance through your lender you are purchasing depreciating coverage. Meaning, your cost to own the coverage stays the same every month however the amount of coverage you have decreased. Most other life insurance plans offer level coverage. Meaning that as your pay down your mortgage, your coverage remains the same. Giving your beneficiaries a chance to pay off the mortgage and still have some benefits left over.

Mortgage insurance is Non-Transferable


Another major flaw in this plan structure happens when you want to change your mortgage. Let’s say you’ve purchased your house and a few years have gone by and you found a better mortgage and now you want to switch your mortgage. Unfortunately, that means you will have to switch your coverage as well because mortgage insurance is non-transferable. This will end up costing you more. Not to mention, if you became sick, or became critically ill, you might not be able to purchase any coverage. Which would end up financially hurting your loved ones.

Your Beneficiary


When you purchase coverage through the lender, the lender becomes the beneficiary. However, when you purchase life insurance directly through an insurance company or life insurance broker your loved ones become the beneficiary and receive the benefits if something were to happen.

Think of it this way, if something were to happen to you, would you want the benefits being paid to the bank or your loved ones?

Cost to Own

What shocks most people is when they find out they can get a better plan at a lower cost. By going direct to an insurance company or life insurance broker you save as much as 35% when comparing to mortgage insurance.

In short, you can get coverage that:

  • Costs less
  • Has level coverage (not depreciating)
  • Is transferable (regardless of how many times you change your mortgage)
  • Gives your loved ones control of the benefits (not the banks)
  • You won’t have to worry about re-applying if you change your mortgage


All by simply going directly to an insurance company or life insurance broker.

Don’t be like many Canadians who are under the impression that all mortgage insurance plans are relatively the same and since the lending institution is offering them the best mortgage rates, the insurance plan must be competitive as well. This is simply not true.

Get the right coverage for you, and to shop the market to find the best price for you CLICK HERE.

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5 Things Your Life Insurance Advisor Isn’t Telling You

5 Things Your Life Insurance Advisor Isn't Telling You

It’s no secret, we live in the age of transparency. It’s become more and more important to be transparent in every area of your life. As life insurance providers we realized many of the clients that come to us have been lied to by other advisors. So we thought it would be fun to clear up the 5 things your life insurance advisor isn’t telling you.


Your advisor is working on commission

The vast majority of life insurance advisors today are paid 100% commission. And they are not paid hourly or salary. Strictly commission. To make matters worse their commission is based on how much you pay per month for your life insurance. The more you play, the more they make.


Can you see how that’s a little problematic?

Now there are some setbacks for the advisor. One of them being “chargebacks”. A chargeback occurs when you the client either cancel their policy or pass away in the first 2 years of owning your policy. In this case, the advisor would have to pay back 100% of the commission they received.

The counter to this is to work with a company that has salary-only advisors. Even though there are only a few companies today that offer this, it will likely be the future of life insurance.


Are you really getting the best policy?

You see many companies in Canada claim to be a broker. However, that doesn’t mean they have access to every company in Canada. In fact, most brokers only have access to a select few.

It’s good to ask your broker which companies they work with.

If they only have access to a handful of companies you are left to wonder if you have the best policy for you or the best policy that particular advisor could get you. This may mean you are overpaying or receive fewer benefits than other competitors.


Are you missing out on savings?

There’s a number of ways you could be overpaying for your coverage.

Some companies might be very competitive with people between the ages of 30-40. But overpriced for anyone over 40. And each company is a little different. It may be possible to find a company that is more suited to your age or health status. Simply by changing your provider you may be able to save a little extra money every month.

This is only one of several different ways you could save on your premiums.


How you apply matters

For some reason, people lie on their applications thinking they will get a better rate. Unfortunately, this is also considered either fraud or misrepresentation. Most insurance companies would not be liable to pay out your benefits if they can prove you committed fraud.

It’s always better to be 100% honest with your application as it can be the reason your loved ones are financially protected.


Your need for life insurance changes

Unlike stocks, where you might have to review your portfolio every month, life insurance a little more long-term of a play. That being said, it’s not a set and forgets. Life insurance needs should be considered every 2-5 years depending on what changes in your life. And the good news is that as we get older typically our need for life insurance decreases.

All in all, life insurance is something that is incredibly necessary if you have someone who depends on you financially. But don’t let these 5 tips get past you.

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